So Bad It’s Good: Why Consumers Love the Worst Stuff

Three people sitting on a couch holding a bowl of popcorn, looking surprised or shocked, possibly watching a movie or TV show.

From the Sharknado franchise to the wedding reception playlist classic, “Macarena,” Wharton Associate Professor of Marketing Patti Williams explores the appeal of “so bad it’s good” products and experiences. So Bad It’s Good: Why Consumers Love the Worst Stuff delves into the psychology behind this behavior, suggesting that people often find enjoymentRead More

Global Careers and Compensation: From Initial Penalties to a “Superglobal” Premium

Illustration of a globe topped with buildings and factories, surrounded by clouds and trees, with papers and a pen in the foreground, symbolizing global business and industry.

  In a recent paper published in the Academy of Management Discoveries, Global Careers and Compensation: From Initial Penalties to a “Superglobal” Premium, Utrecht University Assistant Professor Giovanna Capponi, Wharton Professor of Management Matthew Bidwell, London Business School Professor Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, and Wharton Professor of Management Martine Haas, investigate how international mobility impactsRead More

A Step-by-Step Guide to Real-Time Pricing

The image shows a side-by-side comparison of two origami flowers made from folded currency. The left flower is made from euro notes, and the right flower from US dollar bills.

For digital retailers, the ability to revise prices swiftly and on a large scale has emerged as a decisive differentiator—especially during periods of inflation, when prices fluctuate more frequently. Many retailers scrape rivals’ websites for price information and use it to set their own prices manually or automatically, often using a strategyRead More

Selling on TikTok and Taobao

A hand holding a smartphone surrounded by animated logos of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as cash and coins.

In China, livestream commerce—selling products via live video on platforms such as Taobao and TikTok—will account for as much as 20% to 25% of online sales in 2023. In the United States, it accounted for $11 billion in sales in 2021, and growth is increasing dramatically. It’s no wonder brandsRead More