Our Faculty

The Center has established a group of core faculty from several schools at the University of Pennsylvania. These faculty members conduct leading-edge research that cuts across multiple disciplines, including supply chain, e-commerce, customer lifetime value, and mobile technology.

A headshot of a person wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, and smiling, with a blurred background.

David Asch

Robert D. Eilers Professor in Health Care Management and Economics; Professor of Medicine; Professor of Health Care Management; Executive Director, Penn Medicine Center for Innovation

Areas of focus: behavioral economics, clinician and patient decision making, health care management, health policy, medical ethics, physician executives, technology assessment


A headshot of a person wearing glasses and a suit, smiling against a dark background.

Ron Berman

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Areas of focus: advertising attribution, entrepreneurship, game theory, industrial organization, marketing analytics, online marketing, search engine marketing, startups


A headshot of a person with glasses and a beard, wearing a suit and a light green tie, set against a gray background.

Peter Cappelli

George W. Taylor Professor; Professor of Management; Director, Wharton Center for Human Resources

Areas of focus: human resource practices, public policy related to employment, talent and performance management


Headshot of a person wearing glasses and a light blue shirt, smiling against a gray background.

Peter Fader

Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing

Areas of focus: lifetime value of the customer, sales forecasting for new products, using behavioral data to understand and forecast shopping/purchasing activities across a wide range of industries. managerial applications focus on topics such as customer relationship management


Headshot of a smiling person with short dark hair, wearing a suit and a light-colored shirt against a plain background.

Santiago Gallino

Charles W. Evans Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions.

Areas of Focus: Empirical Operations Management, Retail Management, digital transformation and strategy execution, omni-channel integration and store execution issues in retail.


Headshot of a person with a mustache, wearing a dark suit, light blue shirt, and green tie, smiling against a plain background.

Marshall Fisher

UPS Professor; Professor of Operations and Information Management; Co-Director, Fishman-Davidson Center for Service and Operations Management

Areas of Focus: retailing, supply chain management


Headshot of a person with short dark hair, wearing a blue shirt and brown blazer, smiling against a dark background.

Kartik Hosanagar

John C. Hower Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Areas of Focus: internet advertising, internet commerce, internet media


Headshot of a person in formal attire with a neutral expression, set against a plain background.

Raghuram Iyengar

Associate Professor of Marketing; Faculty Co-Director, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative

Areas of focus: pricing, social influence


Headshot of a person with long brown hair, wearing a gray blazer and hoop earrings, smiling in a professional setting.

Barbara E. Kahn

Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor; Professor of Marketing; Former Director, Jay H. Baker Retailing Center

Areas of focus: brand loyalty, brand management, consumer choice, customer relationship management, customization, decisions under uncertainty/ambiguity, medical and financial services, price promotions, product assortments, retailing, variety seeking


Headshot of a person wearing a turban, glasses, and a suit, with a beard and a slight smile.

Jagmohan Raju

Joseph J. Aresty Professor; Professor of Marketing; Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education; Executive Director, Wharton Co-Sponsorship of Indian School of Business

Areas of Focus: competitive strategy, optimizing channel contracts, pricing, private labels, retailing, sales promotions and coupons


Headshot of a person with a bald head and earrings, wearing a patterned shirt, against a dark textured background.

Americus Reed

Whitney M. Young Jr. Professor; Professor of Marketing

Areas of focus: how social identity, social influence, values, attitudes and judgments interact in shaping purchase decisions and consumer behavior.


Headshot of a person with a bearded face, wearing a patterned shirt, smiling, and looking slightly to their right against a neutral background.

Paul Rozin

Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

Areas of Focus: Psychopathology and Psychotherapy, Developmental Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Individual Differences and Behavior Genetics, Positive Psychology, Social and Cultural Psychology; Cultural psychology, with a focus on understanding the role of food in human life, positive psychology, the meaning of “natural” and positive and negative memories


Headshot of a person with glasses, wearing a suit and tie, smiling slightly, against a simple background.

Kevin Volpp

Professor of Medicine; Professor of Health Care Management; Director, Leonard Davis Institute, Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics and Co-Director, Penn-CMU Roybal Center on Behavioral Economics and Health

Areas of focus: developing and testing innovative ways of applying insights from behavioral economics in improving patient health behavior and affecting provider performance


A headshot of a person with short, light brown hair wearing glasses, a black blazer, and a colorful necklace, against a gray background.

Susan Wachter

Richard B. Worley Professor of Financial Management; Professor of Real Estate; Professor of Finance; Professor of City and Regional Planning; Director, Wharton Geographic Information Systems Lab; Co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research

Areas of focus: housing finance, real estate economics, urban economics


Headshot of a person in a suit with a tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background.

David Wessels

Adjunct Professor of Finance

Areas of focus: corporate valuation, venture capital, and performance management


Headshot of a person with long brown hair, smiling, wearing a dark top, and set against a plain background.

Patti Williams

Ira A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing

Areas of focus: emotion regulation, emotional and attitudinal ambivalence, emotions and social identity, the persuasive effects of emotion


A professional headshot of a person wearing glasses, a gray suit, a blue shirt, and a patterned tie, set against a plain background.

Z. John Zhang

Tsai Wan-Tsai Professor; Professor of Marketing; Director, Penn Wharton China Center

Areas of focus: channel and retail management., competitive strategies, market entry, targeted pricing and other pricing strategies
