The Center has established a group of core faculty from several schools at the University of Pennsylvania. These faculty members conduct leading-edge research that cuts across multiple disciplines, including supply chain, e-commerce, customer lifetime value, and mobile technology.

David Asch
Robert D. Eilers Professor in Health Care Management and Economics; Professor of Medicine; Professor of Health Care Management; Executive Director, Penn Medicine Center for Innovation
Areas of focus: behavioral economics, clinician and patient decision making, health care management, health policy, medical ethics, physician executives, technology assessment

Ron Berman
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Areas of focus: advertising attribution, entrepreneurship, game theory, industrial organization, marketing analytics, online marketing, search engine marketing, startups

Peter Cappelli
George W. Taylor Professor; Professor of Management; Director, Wharton Center for Human Resources
Areas of focus: human resource practices, public policy related to employment, talent and performance management

Peter Fader
Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing
Areas of focus: lifetime value of the customer, sales forecasting for new products, using behavioral data to understand and forecast shopping/purchasing activities across a wide range of industries. managerial applications focus on topics such as customer relationship management

Santiago Gallino
Charles W. Evans Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions.
Areas of Focus: Empirical Operations Management, Retail Management, digital transformation and strategy execution, omni-channel integration and store execution issues in retail.

Marshall Fisher
UPS Professor; Professor of Operations and Information Management; Co-Director, Fishman-Davidson Center for Service and Operations Management
Areas of Focus: retailing, supply chain management

Kartik Hosanagar
John C. Hower Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Areas of Focus: internet advertising, internet commerce, internet media

Raghuram Iyengar
Associate Professor of Marketing; Faculty Co-Director, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative
Areas of focus: pricing, social influence

Barbara E. Kahn
Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor; Professor of Marketing; Former Director, Jay H. Baker Retailing Center
Areas of focus: brand loyalty, brand management, consumer choice, customer relationship management, customization, decisions under uncertainty/ambiguity, medical and financial services, price promotions, product assortments, retailing, variety seeking

Jagmohan Raju
Joseph J. Aresty Professor; Professor of Marketing; Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education; Executive Director, Wharton Co-Sponsorship of Indian School of Business
Areas of Focus: competitive strategy, optimizing channel contracts, pricing, private labels, retailing, sales promotions and coupons

Americus Reed
Whitney M. Young Jr. Professor; Professor of Marketing
Areas of focus: how social identity, social influence, values, attitudes and judgments interact in shaping purchase decisions and consumer behavior.

Paul Rozin
Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Areas of Focus: Psychopathology and Psychotherapy, Developmental Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Individual Differences and Behavior Genetics, Positive Psychology, Social and Cultural Psychology; Cultural psychology, with a focus on understanding the role of food in human life, positive psychology, the meaning of “natural” and positive and negative memories

Kevin Volpp
Professor of Medicine; Professor of Health Care Management; Director, Leonard Davis Institute, Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics and Co-Director, Penn-CMU Roybal Center on Behavioral Economics and Health
Areas of focus: developing and testing innovative ways of applying insights from behavioral economics in improving patient health behavior and affecting provider performance

Susan Wachter
Richard B. Worley Professor of Financial Management; Professor of Real Estate; Professor of Finance; Professor of City and Regional Planning; Director, Wharton Geographic Information Systems Lab; Co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research
Areas of focus: housing finance, real estate economics, urban economics

David Wessels
Adjunct Professor of Finance
Areas of focus: corporate valuation, venture capital, and performance management

Patti Williams
Ira A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing
Areas of focus: emotion regulation, emotional and attitudinal ambivalence, emotions and social identity, the persuasive effects of emotion

Z. John Zhang
Tsai Wan-Tsai Professor; Professor of Marketing; Director, Penn Wharton China Center
Areas of focus: channel and retail management., competitive strategies, market entry, targeted pricing and other pricing strategies